

Please note that SOJAC is currently at maximum capacity for Pilot members. The club does not keep a formal waiting list and membership openings are irregular and unpredictable. Please inquire if interested in joining as an Associate member (described below). Or just show up to a regularly scheduled meeting as a visitor!

Becoming a Member

There are two membership levels in SOJAC: pilot and associate. Pilot members have full voting rights, may schedule the aircraft, and may serve as Club officers. In addition, pilot members can seek advanced ratings at a substantially reduced cost over renting aircraft from other sources.

Associates are generally those who have not yet earned their private licenses, those who have decided to stop flying, or those who just enjoy the camaraderie of an organization dedicated to the fun of flight. Associates are also given “preferred status” if and when they decide to move up to full pilot membership.

Pilot-level membership is through:

  • Completion of an application form accompanied by a one time initiation fee;
  • Successful completion of a flight check ride with a designated Club instructor;
  • Approval of the Club’s voting members.

Those interested in becoming a member, either pilot or associate, are encouraged to attend Club meetings or contact one of the Club members. Visitors are always welcome!

Check the “Meetings” page for the next Club meeting date, time, and location.

Current Club Charges

Rates and Fees (as of Nov, 2018)
Initial membership fee (one time, pilot members only) $750.00
Monthly dues (pilot members) $100.00
Monthly dues (associate members) $10.00
Aircraft use (hourly)** $125.00

** includes fuel (rate varies monthly with the cost of 100LL at 17N); does not include 7% NJ sales tax … The aircraft is hangared year-round.

Aircraft reservation is through either a telephone or internet-based scheduling system. Pilot members can reserve the aircraft for both short and long trips.